Tool Talks “Democracy in Trouble?
Who cares.” “TOOL TALKS” – Talk series “Democracy in trouble?
Who cares.” 5 tool talks on democracy – what it’s like, where it’s going.
Cooperation with: Verein stadt:wurzel
Dates: April 19, April 26, May 22 and 31, June 12, 2023 each 7-9 p.m
In a democracy, co-determination, exchange of ideas and participation must not only be demanded, but, like a craft, practiced.
Democracy is a way of life and a system in which the highest expression is free elections. A democracy is only as strong as the commitment of its citizens, regardless of gender, social status and age. It is therefore crucial for democracy and its survival that citizens actively participate in and shape democratic processes today and in the future. Ideally, everyone cares about the well-being of the community and shares responsibility for what is decided. But where are democratically organized societies headed today in view of the many global challenges such as environmental degradation, conflicts and social inequality? And how can future generations shape the life of a democratically organized society in such a way that this way of life remains desirable and alive?
The series of “tool talks” will be continued in 2023 and combine short topic-oriented impulses with practical experience and knowledge. After a short, topic-related expert input, the audience actively participates. The aim is for everyone in the audience to be able to express their knowledge and experience. All topics of the tool talks are conducted under the aspect of gender justice. The evenings are framed by artistic interventions.
Tool Talk I (19/04/23) Democracy – How can we secure the foundations of democracy for the future? Based on the 2022 Democracy Index, the state of democracy in Austria is the subject of tool talk I.
Impulse: Martina Zandonella, SORA
Artistic input: Christina Werner
Moderator: stadt:wurzel
LINK TO THE PRESENTATION (Democracy in Trouble (PPTX format))
Martina Zandonella studied psychology with a focus on social psychology. Since 2008 she has been part of the team at SORA, one of the leading private social science institutes in Europe. Her research focuses on democracy and participation research, inequality and political psychology.
Christina Werner is an artist who studied photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig. “There are two characteristics that distinguish Christina Werner’s artistic work in recent years: an interest in changes in global conditions, especially those that have to do with the current migration movements and a resurgent nationalism, and an awareness or a great sensitivity in Regarding questions of representation.” (Hemma Schmutz, Bilderheft 296/2017, SOLO VIII, Fotogalerie Wien)
Tool Talk II (26/04/23) Social Justice – Unequal Wealth, Equal Rights?
This tool talk deals with the big questions of how wealth creates power and reproduces unequal conditions, which steps are needed to achieve more social justice on a local and global level and which collective solutions can be imagined for a more just system.
Impulse: Wilfried Altzinger, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Artistic input: Ramiro Wong
Moderator: stadt:wurzel
LINK TO THE PRESENTATION (Distribution and Justice – (Format PDF))
Wilfried Altzinger teaches at the Institute for Monetary and Fiscal Policy at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. His research focus is distribution theory and politics.
Ramiro Wong is a transdisciplinary artist who deals with themes of identity politics, migration and othering, what he calls “dynamics of displacement”, “aesthetics of othering”. With a previous degree in civil engineering and over ten years of experience in the film industry, the artist approaches art through the language of installation and performance as tools for immersive communication.
R.V. FLORA. Der Schlingermarkt als Forschungsschiff
At last! Reveries are over – the research vessel R.V. FLORA has anchored and is welcoming all curious fantasts!
From September 14th through October 5th each Friday the Schlingermarkt is becoming a research vessel and the marketstalls are turning into cabins, galleys and laboratories, accompanied by the sound of the ocean surf and chanties.
for further details visit: or the ship’s office on the spot

FR, 14th October 2018, 5 pm
opening and the ship’s naming ceremony – in the course of the event „Leben am Schlingermarkt“ of the GB*Stadtteilbüro für die Bezirke 21 und 22
FR, 21st, 28th September and 5th October 2018, 2 pm – 7 pm
The R.V. FLORA cordially invites to:
- join in the prepartions for and cooking of the captain’s dinner
- examine your everyday finds in our laboratory
- browse the ship‘s logbook, full of real travelling experincie
- go on a guided tour of the ship
- participate in yarning and listen to unknown tales of the market and its sailor
- come along on an extraordinary expedition around the neighbourhood
- take a seat at the shared captain’s dinner
Ship Ahoy!
**Attendance on board is free!**
**Get your golden voucher ducat at the ship’s office!**
a project by: stadt:wurzel und SOHO in Ottakring
kindly supported by: MA59 – Marktservice & Lebensmittelsicherheit
in cooperation with: Bezirksvorstehung Floridsdorf, GB* Stadtteilbüro für die Bezirke 21 und 22, wohnpartner

Five tool talks (Werkzeuggespräche) on the upheavals of living and working environments in urban areas in cooperation with SOHO in Ottakring.
Work is a central concept of humanity, which has changed fundamentally in the course of history. There ins hardly any other term, where have been so many controversial theories, discussions, models. At present, our working world is undergoing rapid progress: a clear separation between work and leisure is becoming more and more blurred, “stable” employment biographies are becoming more brittle and industrial work is increasingly disappearing from urban everyday life.
Within each tool call, we invite all to supplement our little culinary offer within the meaning of Potluck with delicacies. A potluck has a lot to do with sharing and mutual appreciation. Potlach is regarded as one of the ideas for this Potluck. An event of North American Indians of the Pacific coast. In this ritual gifts are distributed and distributed. We are looking forward to the culinary surprises brought along. A covered table is waiting to be filled.
1. Werkzeuggespräch
Thinking about democracy – how does it work?
Right-wing populism, its myths, the role of the media and the social question
Thu 20.04.2017 / Starts: 19:00
Place: SOHO Projektwerkstatt, Rosa-Luxemburg-Gasse 9, 1160 Wien
with Alexander Pollak (SOS Mitmensch)
2. Werkzeuggespräch
Who cares about us?
On the future of “care” work
Thu 18.05.2017 / Starts: 19:00
Place: Waschsalon im Sandleitenhof, Liebknechtgasse 5
with Dr. Katharina Mader (Inst. for Institutional & Heterodox Economics, WU Wien)
3. Werkzeuggespräch
Migration and the right to work
On the precarious working conditions of migrants and asylum seekers
Thu 08.06.2017 / Beginn: 19:00
Place: Alte Milchtrinkhalle, Kongresspark, 1160 Wien
with Sandra Stern, trade union and anti-racist activist (UNDOK)
4. Werkzeuggespräch
Work and globalization
What our actions can do worldwide
THU 14.09.2017 / Beginn: 19:00
Place: Alte Milchtrinkhalle, Kongresspark, 1160 Wien
with Stefan Grasgruber-Kerl (Südwind)
5. Werkzeuggespräch
Living and working in transition
Utopias of cohabitation
THU 09.11.2017 / Starts: 19:00
Place: Altes Kino, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien
with Brigitte Kratzwald (Social scientist and activist with focus on the topics of commons and solidarity economics)